These are all 3D projects I have worked on over the past 10 years. They are for personal work, educational videos, and for client work. My primary tool is Blender, while some of the textures were built in Substance Painter, and some of the sculpting done in Z-Brush.
The Nine Club Set
This is the set for the Nine Club YouTube show where skaters interview skaters. This is Roger Bagley’s place, and I did take some liberties on the hallway and the room through the curtains. The house is bigger but at the time I modeled this there was very little to see other than the main filming room. The kitchen is also not his actual kitchen which is bigger and laid out differently than what I have done. This was a project where I wanted to learn how to model things, any and every kind of object you can think of for a house interior. There are only about 4 or 5 items in the entire set that I took from another source, otherwise this was entirely me. I learned a tremendous amount about modeling and texturing from this project. It took me several months to complete. If I were to do it again I could probably build this in a few weeks time now that I know what I know about the process. Instead of doing several pages of modeled objects I figure this is the best way to display them in their original context.
Bagley’s Stella Artoire Wheels
I made both these sets of wheels for the nine club 3D space. This was when Stella was Roger’s favorite beer to drink. And the wheels for Chris Roberts are named after his famous trick at the LA Courthouse, the Switch Flip Switch Manual. Both can be seen at the front of their interview table in the Nine Club Set above.
Sk8ology Skate Clips and Skate Key
I did several commercials for Sk8ology, the company that made the first skate clips for hanging skateboards on a wall. I modeled these products and then I did a series of animated commercials for their website. This was a fun project and my first series of product commercials. I learned a lot from this series.
Jake Phelps Bust
This was sculpted in memory of Jake Phelps of Thrasher Magazine and one of the most knowledgeable individuals on the sport of skateboarding that had ever walked the earth. Partially sculpted in Z-Brush and finished in Blender.
LA Courthouse Stage
This is the West LA Courthouse Stage in Los Angeles, a very famous skate spot. I love the peripheral architecture, and I wanted to learn how to model complex facades as well, model this difficult shape for the stage and the rooftop to the stage. I modeled one set of trees, and one set of bushes, learned a lot from them, but then finished the landscaping with some downloaded assets. Foliage is the least inspiring thing for me to model, as it takes a lot of time to make branches and limbs that look convincing and not repeated. This too was another project that took up a lot of time to learn how to model but was well worth the effort in what I learned what to do and what not to do to get each asset completed. This was modeled and rendered in Blender.
Braille Skate House
This is the Braillehouse skate warehouse and park. For my EOS project, I have several real locations built as “Guest Stars” to the story. This was built in 2021 before the Braille implosion and the loss of the park. The shots you see are doctored up for a board graphic I was working on for Gabe Cruz before we finally settled on a specific design. The renders were one of about 6 graphics we went through in the design stage before settling on his multiverse graphic.
Gabe’s Graphic Idea Sketch
This was another variation on Gabe’s graphic, a mall that is near where he used to live with his parents where he went to skate almost daily. The theme we were going for with this was nostalgia and his skate life history.
Gabe’s House When He Was Younger
As the title mentions, this was Gabe’s house when he was younger. I had a Google Maps pin and that was all I had to work with to model this with and was a little tough considering the images were not directly from the front view.
Retro House 01
I love the old style houses from the 40’s – 70’s and I don’t see a lot of models out there of this era. My goal was to build an entire collection of these then sell them on the market place. Now I just like them and want to keep them for my own projects before giving them up to the rest of the 3D community. All of the houses you see on this page have complete interiors with doors. Some of the rooms have fixtures in them although I don’t want to influence the user who might purchase them and want to do what they want with them. My goal is to provide as much as possible for the buyer so they have a strong starting point when they are to use them for their project.
Compton Vintage House 01
This is a Compton California Bungalo. One of the characters in my EOS story lives here. The platform the house is sitting on is how I will display the houses when they go up for sale on the market so the buyer knows the type of layout that best suits the house. I am trying to stay as authentic as I can and stick with the way the original architectural layout was made from that time period. For these older models, authenticity means a lot to me and for my story it will just help sell the concept as believable. All of these old houses had basements, and there is another level below the ground line which I forgot to render.
Victorian House 01
I believe that if you really want to learn how to make good 3D models that you should try and tackle the more difficult things to build first so that everything else gets much easier to do after these types of exercises. I love Victorian houses but they can also be a logistical nightmare to model out, especially if you want them to have physical depth to them. Once I determined where the balance was between texturing the complexity and where to model it, I had a lot more fun knowing that my computer would run efficiently without lagging because of all the geometry. If I needed to model every detail, I could, but I feel like I struck a descent balance with this one. If I modeled the roof tiles, then I would have needed to model the sidewall tiles as well and there would be a deceptive visualization to the look of the house. I do want to sell this on the marketplace so I have to be careful not to tax the poly count for anyone who does decide to purchase it which is why I settled on using textures to get away with some of the detail work. My personal challenge is to model all the facade details later on down the line.
Ken Block Model
This is Ken Block, well, at least a stylized version of him, cartooned for my EOS project. We worked together for several years back in the day. It was quite a sad day when I heard he had passed. I was just about to work with him on a few 3D projects that I will still finish at some point but I lost momentum when I heard of his passing.
Nigel Jones for EOS
This is Nigel Jones of the late Braille team. He is integrated into my EOS script, a background character to the story. This is his mesh, not rigged yet, and I am not sure how I want to texture the characters at this point so I have not yet completed the skins for this mesh. I keep going back and forth between realistic materials or stylized painted materials. I have a mob of characters to build so I do hope something sticks soon enough. I usually start these projects with the indirect characters or settings so I can fail enough to figure things out without affecting the main components too soon.
Retro Appliances
My goal is to have a bunch of furniture that can be used in the retro houses once I get enough of them on model and ready to sell. I am planning on selling these on the market place as accessory packs for the houses. I noticed when I rendered these shots out that all my fancy retro dial textures are missing. They are texture overlays and when I transferred files from one hard drive to the other I think the textures went missing or I grabbed the wrong version of this file.
The Mirage Hotel
Along their journey, the team in my EOS story stops at a few hotels even with the fancy tour van they are touring in. This is one of those stops, with a compelling roofline in the front that they deviously end up skating and eventually falling through. It is out on a rural highway that never really developed thus the old school retro look to the hotel. I only have one room number in place which is also the only room in the hotel that has been developed and fully realized.
Compton House 02
This is the home of one of the main characters for my EOS story. It will also be going up on the market without the car, plants, trees, and patio accessories. My characters come from various parts of the world, several reside in SoCal in the Los Angeles area which is why I am focusing on so many of these older houses.
Rural Country Home
This is a rural 50’s country home. I think it was called a cabin on the blueprint I was using. I love design of this place. Even for a rural home, it has so much character to it.
Border Check – EOS story
This is another set for the EOS story. This is the “California Border” after an authoritarian rule on the US has taken over, making state to state travel very difficult to do. The magnetic and X-Ray sensors are equivalent to the sensors you have to pass through with some stores at their front doors or the airport scanners that look through your luggage.
Landscape Study
This is one of a series of landscapes I did to learn how to use the volumetric system in Blender, as well as learning how to work with particle systems and vertex painting.