
The books on this page vary from product design to graphic design and many other variations of design in between.  These are all practical manuals with thorough and concise step by step tutorials and exercises to support the demonstrations.  These are very good for concept artists and modelers, designers, and artists who build things.

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Click To Buy – Focus on Designing

By Vello Hubel and Diedra B. Lussow

The Book in Three Sentences:  This is out of print and was a text book so it could be a little tough to find, but worth the hunt.  It is an industrial design manual, from idea to production.   It has step by step analysis of every step of the industrial design process, all of it pre-computer era so it is all hand drawn and crafted.  The book also has exercises in it to help flex your imagination and design skills, highly recommended for concept artists, but illustrators as well as artists who build things.